Tuesday, November 11, 2008

more add-ons

I'm back for another post and I'm gonna continue with the firefox add-ons.

Tab Mix Plus let's you customise how you use the tabs within firefox. I have mine set so that the tabs show up on multiple rows instead of having to scroll across when I have too many open at the same time. Another handy feature that I use is the ability to double click on a tab and become a separate window.

Netcraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar gives you a risk rating for the site that you are viewing and can also give you more information about the site like how long it's been up and where it is being hosted.

Cooliris is a pretty cool add-on that lets you view pictures and videos in a 3d space so that they are easy to navigate and view full screen. It works with facebook, myspace and a whole punch of other sites that host pictures and video.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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