Monday, November 10, 2008

first post

Ok so I should really be studying so I'll make this quick. I've recently learnt that some of my friends are not as tech savvy as I and I wanted to share a bit of my knowledge. So I'll be posting about stuff that I am using that I think could benefit others. Stuff like firefox add-ons, programs, podcasts and applications that are cool or could be helpful in making your lives a little bit easier. So watch this space.

I'll start things off with some firefox add-ons that I use regularly and that I think are pretty useful.

Speed Dial lets you set up buttons and shortcuts to your favourite bookmarks. I've got it opening up in every new tab so that when I open up firefox or a new tab my favourite bookmarks are right there. It gives you a preview of the site which updates regularly, you're able to change the number of buttons/bookmarks and it works great. Try it out!

Google toolbar is another useful tool that i use to save bookmarks so that they're easy to see and access. So after installing the toolbar, I go to my most frequented sites and find the search box, right click on it and choose Generate custom search. Then you can add a bookmark to that site to your toolbar, you can also perform searches to that site using the google toolbar.

I'll leave it at that for now. off to study

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