Thursday, November 27, 2008

mobile phone apps

There are a few applications that I use on my phone regularly that I think are pretty handy to have.

Fring lets you use your instant messaging and voip accounts on your phone. I used my MSN messenger and skype accounts on it. You are able to get alerts when you receive new messages. The voip functionality enables you to make calls to other accounts using the handset like a phone. My phone has wlan capabilities so I use my home wifi network.

Opera mini is a browser that lets you view full web pages as you would on a desktop browser... kinda. it's not mobile view but it's not the full desktop experience. try it out. you're able to save pages, save bookmarks, set up hotkeys, disable images. i think you can do that on the normal opera mobile browser but yeh download it and try it out.

QIK and BAMBUSER are some apps that let you stream live video to the net, QIK came out first but i couldn't use it because my phone isnt compatible, i tried bambuser but my net is capped so it didnt work so well. you can choose to archive videos or just stream it. give it a go and link me to your account.

Monday, November 17, 2008


for those of you who own a canon camera. head over to the chdk wiki page at there you will find details of how you can hack your canon and get a whole bunch of extra functionality that you don't have now. It's fun learning how to use it and you can get some great shots.

have fun and show me some of your shots

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

more add-ons

I'm back for another post and I'm gonna continue with the firefox add-ons.

Tab Mix Plus let's you customise how you use the tabs within firefox. I have mine set so that the tabs show up on multiple rows instead of having to scroll across when I have too many open at the same time. Another handy feature that I use is the ability to double click on a tab and become a separate window.

Netcraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar gives you a risk rating for the site that you are viewing and can also give you more information about the site like how long it's been up and where it is being hosted.

Cooliris is a pretty cool add-on that lets you view pictures and videos in a 3d space so that they are easy to navigate and view full screen. It works with facebook, myspace and a whole punch of other sites that host pictures and video.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Monday, November 10, 2008

first post

Ok so I should really be studying so I'll make this quick. I've recently learnt that some of my friends are not as tech savvy as I and I wanted to share a bit of my knowledge. So I'll be posting about stuff that I am using that I think could benefit others. Stuff like firefox add-ons, programs, podcasts and applications that are cool or could be helpful in making your lives a little bit easier. So watch this space.

I'll start things off with some firefox add-ons that I use regularly and that I think are pretty useful.

Speed Dial lets you set up buttons and shortcuts to your favourite bookmarks. I've got it opening up in every new tab so that when I open up firefox or a new tab my favourite bookmarks are right there. It gives you a preview of the site which updates regularly, you're able to change the number of buttons/bookmarks and it works great. Try it out!

Google toolbar is another useful tool that i use to save bookmarks so that they're easy to see and access. So after installing the toolbar, I go to my most frequented sites and find the search box, right click on it and choose Generate custom search. Then you can add a bookmark to that site to your toolbar, you can also perform searches to that site using the google toolbar.

I'll leave it at that for now. off to study